Have Your Say: Planning for Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing Provisions - Inclusionary Zoning.jpg

Affordable Housing Provisions - Inclusionary Zoning

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) is developing planning rules that would require qualifying developments to provide for some affordable housing, long-term and for low and moderate-income households. This is called inclusionary zoning.

QLDC states that creating inclusive, mixed income communities is fundamental to the economic vitality and liveability of the Queenstown Lakes District. Inclusionary zoning is a planning method which seeks to create affordable housing as development occurs, resulting in neighbourhoods across the district which provide housing options for a range of incomes and households.

QLDC has developed four potential approaches to inclusionary zoning.


  1. Update the District Plan to reduce and remove controls that affect affordability, and at the same time, negotiate with developers to provide retained affordable housing when Council is able

  2. Update the District Plan to provide a bonus/incentive to developers for the provision of retained affordable housing

  3. Update the District Plan to implement a mandatory requirement for developers to include some retained affordable housing – applied to new developments only

  4. Update the District Plan to implement a mandatory contribution to include some retained affordable housing – applied to both new development and redevelopments.

Have your say

QLDC would like to know what you think of the four inclusionary zoning options that could be used in the District Plan, and which of the options you support.

Share your thoughts with QLDC on their Planning for Affordable Housing options starting from Monday 16 August in any of the following ways:

Further Reading

QLDC Proposed District Plan: Planning for Affordable Housing

Short Paper - Inclusionary Zoning

Snapshot - Housing in the Queenstown Lakes

Streamlined Planning Process


Have Your Say: Queenstown Lakes Homes Strategy


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