Foreshore Reserve Working Group ‘Thursday Group’ - December Report

Tena Koutou Katoa

Tasks for this month:

Continue weeding protected plants and the odd broom and lupin flowering.  Some dead trees have been removed from Esplanade (Pittosporums) and Scott’s (Willows- small) beaches.  Some weeding and irrigation  will be carried out in the holidays by a support group. Good to see the QLDC contractors weedeating and mowing most of the areas.

Patches to potholes in the tar seal to the roadway, and gravel to the potholes at beach access points is on the QLDC contractors list to be completed.

We were given mulch from tree removal from the park by the Community Centre so we have trialled that for plantings that were not irrigated which has worked so far, and has kept some of the weed growth down.

Walk Through with Diana Manson, Reserves Officer:

This has been completed and will inform the work plan for 2022.  Overall the reserve is looking great and healthy.  The 2022 plan included minimal planting with a focus on weed control and protection of the plants in the reserve.  A donation of Kowhai shrubs that was raised from seed from Timaru Creek area will be planted in gaps from the original planting plan that have not survived.  Phenomenal grass growth will be scrub cut as necessary to prevent more reseeding.  An audit of all equipment will be undertaken in the New Year.

2022 Covid requirements will be set by QLDC by the time we recommence.  Feedback from Volunteers so far indicates that members be fully vaccinated.

End of year Function for all the Foreshore volunteers - Township to John Creek:

This was a pot luck lunch with a great turnout of 28 volunteers on a balmy rain free day. A great spread appeared and the term “Super Spread” comes to mind!

And a huge thankyou to all those who give of their time to the minding of the Reserve.  We will continue late February early March dependent on need.

Total hours = 55 hours with approximately 8 for irrigation.

Meri Kirihimete

Nga Mihi

Gaye Robertson


12.12. 2021


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